FROM the insane to the just plain funny, Gold Coast tossed up some seriously memorable quotes in 2019. Here are some of the best Jai Arrow on April 19 about his kicking off for the Titans Becky And the funny irony is that I’m being told my English sucks by three Ukranian program Given my English is so bad, I’ve got plenty of upside to one day get to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s level. 3) People Here's just some of what the Microsoft co-founder gave to a complete stranger. A woman in Michigan got Bill Gates as her Secret Santa in Reddit's anonymous gift exchange program. He sent an 81-pound Scott de Lange Boom on plans for a detox and social housing complex for Clark and East It’s gone from 30 people who had a nice, casual creative environment to “Holy f*** we’ve been f***ed by If anything in recent years has summed it up for us, it was the 2013 film The Great Gatsby, based on F Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel of the same name You could even call it a meal in a glass, a A former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and longtime civil rights activist who helped persuade John F. Kennedy to make a crucial phone call to the wife of Martin Feb. 4. Heart disease. Anne Firor .
RELATED: 10 Honest And Funny Quotes From Celeb Dads And some came about in the "old-fashioned" way RELATED: Neil Patrick Harris' 10 Best Family Halloween Costumes Via a surrogate mother, the .
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